Invited Speech

  1. 陳為堅 (2020): 創新整合的兒少毒品防治模式。 「毒品兒少服務何去何從-少事法修法後毒品兒少防治方案的發展」觀摩暨成果發表會,新光人壽新板金融大樓17樓會議室,September 21。

  2. Chen WJ (2019): New psychoactive substances or novel package of substances? Insight learned from national drug offense databases and national household surveys. 2019 International Conference on New Psychoactive Substances. Taipei, Taiwan, July 10-11.

  3. 陳為堅 (2019): 從棈神醫學研究到公共衛生教育。 臺大精神科科友會,臺大醫院精神科,February 16。

  4. Chen WJ (2018): Schizophrenia: From biomarkers to health eare outcome. Lectureship in Modern Biological Medicine, China Medical University (中國醫藥大學現代生物醫學講座),November 23。

  5. 陳為堅 (2018): 台灣藥癮盛行率與流行病學研究分享。 台灣成癮學會年會暨學術研討會,衛生福利部嘉南療養院,October 27。

  6. 陳為堅 (2018): 毒品大數據:藥物濫用趨勢分析。 屏東反毒論壇:司法及公衛共治之反毒政策 (主辦:屏東縣政府衛生局),國立屏東大學民生校區國際會議廳,September 5。

  7. 陳為堅 (2018): 青少年物質使用現況:103年全國物質使用調查結果。 兒童及青少年健康論壇,衛生福利部國民健康署主辦,臺大醫院國際會議廳,August 1。

  8. Chen WJ (2018): Epidemiological features of illicit drug use in Taiwan revealed from both a 2014 national survey and a study using social network. 三軍總醫院精神醫學部月會,三總精神醫學部,August 28。

  9. 陳為堅 (2018): 藥物濫用者的健康危害與再犯風險。 第一屆杜聰明博士戒毒醫學論壇,高雄醫學大學,May 20。

  10. Chen WJ (2017): Schizophrenia: from biomarkers to health care outcome. Faculty of of Medicine, University of Tokyo - 2017 U. Tokyo-NTU Symposium, October 26.

  11. 陳為堅 (2017): 台灣思覺失調症病人首次住院趨勢探討。 台灣精神衛生發展研討會,台大公共衛生學院,July 22。

  12. Chen WJ (2017): Impact of Universal Health Coverage on Mental Healthcare in Taiwan. School of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo - Invited by Dr. Norito Kawakami (Professor and Vice Dean, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo), Feburary 27.

  13. Chen WJ (2017): Accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH): National Taiwan University's Experience. School of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo - Invited by Dr. Norito Kawakami (Professor and Vice Dean, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo), Feburary 27.

  14. 陳為堅 (2016): 新國民健康藍圖—從監測、目標、到達標方法。 台灣公共衛生學會2016年聯合年會,國防醫學院,October 15。

  15. 陳為堅 (2015): 國際與台灣最新藥癮流行病學現況 (主題演講)。 台灣精神醫學會104年春季研討會,成大醫院斗六分院,May 3。

  16. Chen WJ (2015): Research-oriented approaches to global health education. The Symposium of MAB2 Global Health: Innovative Approaches in the 2015 Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, USA, March 22-24.

  17. Chen WJ (2014): Blunted niacin response in schizophrenia patients: familial aggregation, genetic linkage, and aberrant fatty acids composition of red blood cells. The Melbourne Brain Center (a partnership between the Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne, Florey Neurosciences Institute and the Mental Health Research Institute) - Invited by Professor Brian Dean at the Florey Insititute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, January 24.

  18. Chen WJ (2013): Endophenotype-based genetic dissection of schizophrenia, and current epidemiological and biostatistical research at College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. Speech at Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Maryland - Invited by Professor Mei-Ling Ting Lee at the School of Public Health, University of Maryland, July 31.

  19. 陳為堅 (2007): (理事長致詞) 珍惜經驗交流,與世界接軌對話。 台灣公共衛生學會2016年聯合年會,中國醫藥大學公共衛生學院,October 6-7。

  20. 陳為堅 (2003): 基因與行為及精神疾病。 臺灣醫學會教育演講“基因體與日常醫療”,November 8-9。